Stormwater Monitoring
Utility Systems Science & Software (US3) provides stormwater monitoring nationwide. US3 will monitor, collect and analyze the data and provide you with analysis and subsequent report. US3 provides all of the instrumentation, manpower and reporting for Cities and Agencies that require accurate assessment. With US3 Web-Based Stormwater Monitoring hardware & software, the City will significantly reduce the cost of acquiring the real-time data. One can see the stormwater flow data within minutes after installation.
US3 has the experience and equipment to provide what you need. US3’s comprehensive flow assessment will be tailored to match your budget. We simply need to know the location and we take it from there.
- Wireless Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), with Automated Sampling,
- Stormwater Discharge and Receiving Water Analysis,
- Illegal Discharge Detection and Pollutant Source Tracing
- NPDES & Wet-weather Permit Compliance Monitoring
- Watershed TMDL Compliance
- Wireless Water Quality Monitoring
- Stream Gaging and Flow Monitoring
Compliance with Industry Standards
- US3 provides factory-certified installation and trusted flow meters with onsite testing after installation.
- Within 15 minutes of installation, your flow data is sent wirelessly to US3’s ultra-secure Utility IoT Server,
- Complete, unedited flow data can be viewed 24/7 from any web browser, with 95% uptime guarantee,
- US3 always monitors all sites and performs any necessary maintenance, including battery changes, for the duration of the contract without additional fees.